The Abstract Zone
You have entered into a zone of strange geometry, bright colors and thought provoking images. Here you will find abstract images that seem to mean nothing at first glance, but look again and you find more to behold.
Passion Meets Reason
The swirling purple and red hues represent passion, whereas the lighter lines, shapes and points represent reason. Here in this image is where they meet.
We are surrounded by unseen frequencies, but they are all ultimately part of an all encompassing frequency.
Everything From Nothing
This project was a way to play around with the ideas of everything and nothing; and to say that they are the same thing. Creation requires destruction, order gives birth to chaos… all opposites are really co-dependent.
Going Green
This one can simply be one of those “wow, look at that!” paintings. If you’re the type of person who likes to get deep, it can be an invitation to reconnect with the mother earth.
Overflow of Passion
This is the visual portrayal of the overflowing of passion. It's something beautiful that happens when someone is in a good creative flow!
This artwork is two-dimensional at first glance, but becomes three- dimensional as the purples, pinks & lavender pour out of the dark space & onto the floor where it pools.
Imperfect Perfection
This project shows that to be truly perfect you must accept that you aren’t perfect. The lines may seem symmetrical on first glance, but look closer to see that it has flaws, just like us.
Everything, including people are made of many layers or levels. To really understand anything, you have to recognize this fact and try to understand it on different levels.
The Windows of Perceptions
The title is a little tribute to Aldous Huxley's infamous Doors Of Perception. The windows from which we perceive the world are many & complex; understanding the universe requires one to look through all these different windows.
This abstract and spacey illustration is a visual of the concept Infinity and the possibility of a multidimensional universe.
An early abstract piece that I made to express the feeling of making a new friend. There are two streams of energy meeting and there is an explosion where they meet.
Cracking the Cosmic Egg
A visual interpretation of the moment of creation in the form of a cracking egg that is oozing out bright neon colors. The concept of the cosmic egg is common among ancient cultures in Europe, the middle east and Africa among other places.
Life is not one dimensional or black and white, it’s a complex dance of the black and white. It’s also a dance of off and on, in and out, life and death…
Ecological Awareness
This is not a complex illustration to break down & figure out, unless that is what your into. This can simply be a decorative work of art to enhance the vibe of your space or something that awakens a sense of connection the natural world…maybe both.
Passion Overflow
Created using what’s called a shadowbox, this is the visual portrayal of the overflowing of passion. I once heard someone describe their writing as a sort of water pressure that had to be released, and I love that analogy to describe the creative process.
This is a representation of the creative force of nature, human sexual desire, and the power of a woman to create life.