The Dimension of Spirit


This is the dimension of spirit: where spiritual traditions, mythology, visionary experience, & philosophical ideas come together and enrich the soul.


Persistent Memory of the Mythic Past


Dumha Fair


The Legacy of Artemis

Childlike Wonder

Childlike Wonder


Thunderbird Rising


Four Direction Medicine Wheel



Christ Consciousness

Created at a time when I was studying and trying to connect to the core ideas of Jesus. This piece is very simple visually and spiritually: be of the same mind as Christ, Oneness with Reality, Pure Intention, Acting from Love.


Now O Clock

What does it mean to live in the now? Basically, it means to be present with yourself, other people, nature, the universe itself....everything. It means to not be obsessed with the past nor be too anxious about the future. Obsession with the past is guilt and obsession with the future is anxiety. The time for living is now, the time to act is now.


Angel Of Contemplation

Sitting in the corner, deep in thought…this angel is associated with deep thought, meditation and dreams.


The Spiritual Journey

This project is part collage and part painting. I created this to capture the feeling of spiritual awakening and the spiritual journey with it’s difficulties, confusion but ultimately “enlightenment”.



This figure is an important god in the mythologies of tribes in the southwestern desert. He is associated with fertility, music and is a trickster figure as well. Some believe he was partly based on real people like traders, shamans, musicians and storytellers from pre-columbian America.



Inspired by a poem by an ancient Welsh poet named Taliesin. It expresses ideas of reincarnation and the interconnection of all things:

“I have been a blue salmon,
I have been a dog, a stag, a roebuck on the mountain,
A stock, a spade, an axe in the hand,
A stallion, a bull, a buck,
I was reaped and placed in an oven;
I fell to the ground when I was being roasted
And a hen swallowed me.
For nine nights was I in her crop.
I have been dead, I have been alive.
I am Taliesin.”


Spirals of Samsara


Sacred Sage Ceremonies


The Subconscious

